Contact Us

Contact Contra Attorney Charles Nellari, Esq. right now!

Law Offices of:
Charles Nellari
6101 Bollinger Canyon Road
Suite 325
San Ramon, CA  94583

P. 925.999.8137
F. 925.884.8884

[email protected]**

**You have read and agree to the terms of the Legal Disclaimer any time you send an email to our firm.

We Accept Credit Cards

Law Offices of Contra Costa Attorney Charles Nellari
OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 5 pm.
TELEPHONE HOURS: We attempt to take your call up to 10 PM ~ 7 Days a Week!

Contra Costa and the entire East Bay

Map to my Office:

Contact Contra Attorney Charles Nellari, Esq.If you need helpful Legal assistance with Business Law, International Business Transactions, Commercial matters, Immigration, or Employment matters, or Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning, you will greatly benefit from an experienced Lawyer with Local and Multi-National experience. Please feel free to contact Charles at [email protected]
or call Attorney Charles Nellari, Esq. at +1.925.999.8137